Our literary magazine was founded on Leonard Cohen’s 89th birth anniversary on September 21, 2023. We are poets obsessed with the ways in which poetry can both break you and build you up. Welcome to this little corner of the internet where we can sing into the void and remember that poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.
January 26, 2025
Jarrett Moseley is a bisexual poet living in Miami. He is the author of the chapbook Gratitude List (Bull City Press, 2024). His poetry has earned recognitions from the Academy of American Poets, the Baltimore Review, Miami Book Fair, and the Poetry Society UK. His poems are featured or forthcoming in Ploughshares, POETRY Magazine, AGNI, Poets.org, Waxwing, Baltimore Review, and elsewhere.
When a forest
burns to ash, the smoke creates
thunderstorms that bring flooding
to the now empty space. I never said
it was happy. We cracked ourselves
open and expected the cracking
to matter.
Lately I’ve been thinking about how our desire for (really, our need for) a clear narrative to hold together our understanding of things can be devastating. I’ve experienced how that desire can be easily manipulated in situations where someone else’s understanding of events becomes the dominant force behind how I understand the story of myself.
From First Drafts to Book Deals
A Querying Agents Power-Class
Saturday, February 1 @ 12 pm EST
2-hour Online Workshop with Justine Payton & Kennedy Cole
Let’s be honest: querying is one of the hardest things that writers do, and oftentimes one of the most disappointing. It’s hard to get an agent—really hard, actually. But they are the “gatekeepers” of the literary world, essential for most publishing avenues, and while it’s challenging, it’s not impossible. Knowing this, “From Draft to Deal” is designed to give you the best chance of querying successfully.
While many querying workshops focus solely on the query letter—which is undeniably important—they miss out on the other essential part of the querying process: the agents. In this workshop, you will learn the components of a successful query letter as well as how to approach the querying process strategically and with the greatest chance of finding the best agent for you. We will discuss how best to approach searching for agents and the benefits of different types of agents (new or established, boutique agency or well-known mega-agency, etc.), how to plan your querying in rounds, and how to develop and customize your query letter.
Your instructors—Justine Payton and Kennedy Cole—are agented writers in nonfiction and fiction respectively, and will share about their personal querying journeys and experiences in finding an agent. The workshop will include ample time for Q&A, and all participants will be provided with resources and templates to support their querying process.
Justine Payton is an MFA candidate at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington where she is a recipient of the Philip Gerard Graduate Fellowship and the Bernice Kert Fellowship in Creative Writing. She has been published or has work forthcoming in Bellevue Literary Review,Terrain.org, Isele Magazine, The Masters Review, andothers. She is currently the managing editor of ONLY POEMS, an editor for Ecotone, a guest editor for The Masters Review and CRAFT, and an editorial intern with Tin House. She is currently at work on her memoir.
Kennedy Cole is an agented writer and a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a BFA in creative writing and a Certificate in Publishing. She works as an Editorial Assistant with ONLY POEMS, and previously studied as an intern with History Through Fiction, a practicum student with Lookout Books, and the Managing Editor of Atlantis: A Creative Magazine. This spring, she expects to intern with both Blair Publisher and The Outpost Foundation. Her writing is published in Second Story Journal, Oakland Arts Review, and Carolina Muse. The publisher for her horror novel, THERE USED TO BE PEOPLE, will be announced in 2025.